
Do you feel like no matter how many times you see your doctor or try new diets/ lifestyle trends, something just isn't quite right with your health?

Need a guide to help you out of the space between?

Hi, I'm

Dr. Anthea Todd

B.HSci.B.App.Sci (Chiro). MWomHMed.MRMed


Nice to meet you!  

I'm originally trained as a Chiropractor however after seeing many of my female patients suffer in the current healthcare system I decided something needed to change. So I decided to up skill further by studying a double masters in Women's Health Medicine and Reproductive Medicine. After completing these degrees I realised that there was still a gap that my patients kept falling through. The gap where they were told "there's nothing wrong with you" but they still didn't feel like themselves. 

I know myself, when I am a patient, I don't want to have to choose between medical or functional 'treatments' for my health. I want to be able to go to a practitioner who could look at my health through multiple different lenses. So that's exactly what I decided to become. A Practitioner who is skilled in and can implement a Medical, Functional and Energetic lens when assessing and caring for my patients. 

So if you're someone who feels like they've been 'lost in the space between', you don't know where to turn or you haven't been able to find answers, I'm here to help. Welcome ☺️

Choose your journey here

These 'not quite right' symptoms are your body's way of talking to you.


The problem is, most of us don't know how to speak the same language, or we press mute.


Book Your Journey Now

What's included:

  • 1 x Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis. (Valued at $333) 
  • 1 x group call on the first Tuesday of the month
  • 1x health review appointment with Dr Anthea Todd (The last Wednesday and Thursday of the month) 
  • 1 year subscription to Female Fundamentals membership. Includes meal plans, energetic support (including hypnosis, PARTS work, mediations for symptoms), monthly masterclasses, exclusive podcasts and more. ($440)
  • Pre-recorded content to help you understand your conditions even deeper

Total: $1,500

Each month will focus on a specific condition. You can choose when you want to work together based on the focus for the month.  Limited spots available per month. 

Book Now

If you're an existing patient and require an appointment, please contact us at [email protected]

Upcoming Journeys

September 2024
Menstrual Difficulties

Painful periods, PMS, PMDD, irregular periods, acne, PCOS, Endometriosis, Adenomyosis... 
Come join Dr Anthea and get a medical, functional and energetic approach to your menstrual cycle symptoms.

Learn More

October 2024

Feeling cold, tired, having difficulty losing weight, dry skin, thyroid antibodies positive and not sure what to do? Come join Dr Anthea and get a medical, functional and energetic approach to your thyroid symptoms.

Learn More

November 2024

Weight gain, brain fog, anxiety, depression, insomnia and not feeling like yourself... 
Come join Dr Anthea and get a medical, functional and energetic approach to your menopausal transition.

Learn More