Well first, if this is new, go get checked under the hood. The really nasty stuff is rare, but it does happen, and depending on your family history and genetics you may be at a greater risk. Once all the serious stuff is ruled out, then it’s time to look at balancing your hormones.
Regulate your Oestrogen levels
If this is too low we can expect bleeding. Sometimes this can be low because we are really quite skinny, as our fat is another source of oestrogen. It can also come on if we’re super stressed- stress glands also produce oestrogen. A perfect storm of this is when we’re training really hard and pushing our bodies physically to be super fit. We need to remember that our bodies aren’t the same as mens, this is a good thing! We can use it to our advantage, we just need to know how. For tips on exercise visit here
We can also boost our natural oestrogens by eating them. Phyto-oestrogens are a great way to boost your levels and get in all the other necessary ingredients women need, all at the same time. Check out our Girl-Powder recipe here.
Boost your Progesterone
Progesterone is made when we ovulate. No ovulation no progesterone. If this happens a lot of times, even the slightest dip in oestrogen can trigger bleeding. Progesterone is also a great brain calmer, bone and gut looker-afterer. For more info on how to best insure ovulation check out this page. Also remember if you’re on ‘the pill’ you don’t ovulate.