
are you experiencing the following:

✔ Period Pain


✔ Heavy periods 

✔ Period poops (sloppy poos before and during period)

✔ Clots larger than an Australian 10-cent piece (or a US quarter). 

✔ Needing to change a tampon more often than every two hours. 

✔ Needing to wear “double protection” (for example, a tampon and pad). 

✔ Bleeding less than 3 days or more than 7 days. 

✔ Bleeding every two weeks. 

✔ Brown spotting at the start or the end of your bleed.

✔ Dark plum red color. 

✔ Regular irregularity. Periods that change in length every cycle but are generally between 21–35 days. Ovarian reserve may be affected. 

✔ Irregular periods (occurring more than every 21 days or less than every 35 days)

✔ Fluid retention

✔ Fatigue 

✔ Bloating

These symptoms are common, but they aren't normal.

They are a way your body is trying to you something is off. 

you may have been diagnosed with:

✔ Persistent iron deficiency

✔ Oestrogen dominance

✔ Endometriosis


✔ Adnenomyosis

✔ Absent periods (without pregnancy of menopause)

how you know your menstrual cycle is healthy:

✔ Pain free. At most, you may feel a four-day old bruise level of sensitivity. The pain shouldn’t be hindering your day or life. 

✔ 3–7 days of bleeding. Signalling a good level of estrogen in your body.

✔ Clots no bigger than an Australian 5-cent piece (or a US nickel). Healthy levels of estrogen and inflammation. 

✔ Primarily cherry red in color. Healthy turnover of the endometrial lining. Good levels of hormones and iron. 

✔ Changes in cervical mucus throughout the cycle. White paste builds in amount, swapping to thin and clear mucus mid cycle, then changing to a thicker white, becoming dry and less copious. 

✔ Increased hunger after ovulation. Progesterone release increases our metabolic rate; therefore, our demand for calories increases (by about 200 calories per day)

✔ Slight mood changes.. The large majority of our body's cells are sensitive to our hormones. With their natural ebb and flow across the month and our lifespan, mood changes occur. If they are more significant and start to impact your relationships, then this is a beige flag. 

 If this isn't what you're experiencing, maybe it's time to find out what your body is telling you.

This months journey is all about understanding what your menstrual and possible menstrual conditions have been telling you. Our body doesn't do things by accident.

I'm ready to understand my body

Join Dr Anthea 

Spaces are limited. Join anytime before September 1st to secure your spot. Get instant access to supportive resources the day you sign up. 









Your symptoms aren't the problem. They're your body showing you the solution...


this journey is uniquely designed to help us understand the why behind your symptoms


💥 Do you have PMS because everyone you know gets it? OR
Do you have a copper and zinc imbalance due to prolonged stress?

💥 Do you have irregular cycles because of PCOS? OR
Is your PCOS being caused by an imbalance in your 4 Female Fundamentals, and correcting them resolves the environment the PCOS originated in?

💥 Do you have heavy periods because your oestrogen is high? OR
Or do we need to look deeper at the connection of your thyroid, 4 Female Fundamentals and why your body is choosing to create more oestrogen?

💥 Do you need to continue to take iron supplements? OR
Is it because your copper is too high and supplementing with zinc and other minerals is actually what's you needed to get you off the hamster wheel of heavy periods and low iron?

💥 Is your endometriosis recurring because you're unlucky? OR
Is there something that needs to change in your internal and external environment that makes it a non-ideal environment for endometriosis to grow?

💥 Are your periods painful because it's part of being a woman OR? 
Is it your bodies way of telling you that you need to balance your magnesium and B6 to reduce inflammation?

💥 Do you have high oestrogen because you're unlucky or you're exposed to it too much in your environment? OR 
Is it that your thyroid has slowed, your liver is holding onto copper, making it difficult to detoxify and your adrenal glands imbalanced so your body can't produce enough progesterone to balance it out?

 Your symptoms are attempts from the body trying to tell you what it needs, not markers that you're broken. This monthly journey is the perfect combination of group support, 1:1 personalised deep dives with Dr Anthea, review of and make sense of your health history, knowledge for your mind and connection to your body and what it's been trying to tell you. 

Join now - $1500 AUD

 You're not broken. Your body is trying to tell you something.

This journey isn't about me telling you the answers, but us discovering the answers your body has been telling you all along... 

How the journey works

step by step: 

1. Identify that your body is experiencing menstrual difficulties

2. Sign up to the monthly journey anytime before September 1st. (Note- spaces limited)

3. Confirmation email has information on how to collect and send off your hair test sample (Do this ASAP) 

4. Access to Female Fundamentals membership granted, download app or visit web-browser and begin using resources.

5. The first Tuesday of September group call at 7pm AEST. Go over any blood tests results required, connect with others, learn and ask your questions. 

6. Email sent with link to fill out online history form, send in your previous health results and book in your deep dive 1:1 appointment with Dr Anthea at the end of the month. 

7. Week 2 and 3 of the month access to pre-recorded content alongside membership content.

8. Final week of September, HTMA results return, health history and any other test results compiled for 1:1 appointment with Dr Anthea

9. Recommendations and support given for the next year. 

what's included: 

✔ 1 x Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis. (Valued at $333) 

✔ 1 x group call on the first Tuesday of the month

✔  1x Deep dive health review appointment with Dr Anthea Todd (The last Wednesday and Thursday of the month) -Utilising a medical, functional and energetic 

✔  1 year subscription to Female Fundamentals membership. Includes meal plans, energetic support (including hypnosis, PARTS work, mediations for symptoms), monthly masterclasses with Dr Anthea and expert guests and more. ($440)

✔  Pre-recorded content to help you understand what your menstrual cycle and possible associated conditions are telling you. 

✔ Ongoing year long support in the female fundamentals membership


You will receive not only the information of what you may be experiencing, but it will highlight WHY you're experiencing your symptoms and how to support your body on a functional level. 

Join now- $1500 AUD

my goal for you...

"At the end of the month you will have a new found relationship with your body and menstrual symptoms. Your mind will be able to simply understand and decipher information and you will be able to listen to your body to make the best decision for you and your body going forward. You will have a completely new type of relationship to your symptoms and your body."

I'm ready for some of that!

Penelope- 28yrs

I'm so mind blown. This makes sense more than anything I have read or done for my health. Thank you, I felt very confused, now I feel empowered and able.

Samantha- 33 yrs

I found it incredibly beneficial and easy to follow. Highly recommend to anyone curious about why they are experiencing their symptoms. 

Amber- 46 yrs

Since having my Fundamentals tested and making changes, I’ve had a definite reduction in ‘rage’ episodes, my husband said “whatever that lady you’re seeing said, you should keep doing that”


Join now- $1500 AUD


this is for the woman who:

✔ Is sick (literally) of not having answers 

✔ Wants to take control of her health & be empowered with knowledge that feeds her brain and skills to listen and connect to her body.

✔ Has been told there is nothing wrong, but deep down she feels like something is not right 

✔ Has been diagnosed with PCOS, endometriosis, adenomyosis or uterine fibroids and wants a comprehensive approach.

✔ Is confused about what step to take next

✔ Has tried all the health and wellness fads under the sun without any results 

✔ Feels like looking after her body & health is another full time job

✔ Is willing to take her health into her own hands 

✔ Just needs the right resources & tools to put her on the right track. 

✔ Wants to be in her full aliveness

✔ Wants to be feel in love with how her body feels

This is me - I'm ready!