Understanding Heavy Periods: What's My Body Telling Me?
In today's blog, we are focusing on heavy periods, what they mean, and how to address them by understanding what your body is trying to tell yo...
Your periods have been dubbed your 5th vital sign. So just like your pulse, what do you do when it’s telling you something is out of whack? Instead of masking what it’s try to tell you, we can use spe...
Ever notice that your periods have become heavier? Or last a bit longer? This can be due to hormonal imbalances which may be due to your natural progression into the end of your fertile life, however ...
Endometriosis is a long standing, inflammatory condition made worse by ebs and flows in oestrogen… Causing the growth of endometrial tissue outside of the uterine cavity. It effects the whole body and...
Having bloody discharge in the middle of your cycle, or when it’s not due to come. Normally you can see a little on toilet paper after you wipe, or in your knickers (hopefully not those new expensive ...
Boobs, Butt, Pubes, BO and the beginning of your period. Welcome! Puberty can be a bit of a scary and confusing time. Everything is changing. Our changing hormones act like puppeteers and our body fol...